Just a recent updates from Times of India "NOT from any Nepali news website" is we have received a very good news. Which is saying that a small village called Dhaubadi of Nawalparasi has become the Asia's first renewable energy village. The village is now generating 43.6 kwh electricity per day using hybrid wind turbines with solar panels. While the other part of the country is in dark due to long load shedding, this village is enjoying 24hrs electricity for cooking, watching television, mobile charging etc.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Oversmart Joke

A new
Vacuum Cleaner
Salseman knocked D
A Lady opened it, And
... before She could Speak;
Salseman Rushed in to
the Living Room
And Emptied a Bag of
Cow Shit on the
Carpet.. !!!
Madam, If I'm unable to
Clean this up with My
New Powerful Vacuum
I will EAT all this Shit... !!!
Do You Need Chilli Sauce
with that ???
Salseman: Why ??? !! :O
Because therez NO
-Moral: Never Try to be
Over Smart.. =D
Friday, October 14, 2011
Why am I being lazy these days ? Not taking any photos, not studying, not blogging any post. Sometimes it feels good to be lazy but sometimes it give us harder feelings. Oh ho maile k gare aesto...aaja kehi kam garina .
Kotha 2 din milayo 28 din bigaryo.
Kitab euta bed ma arko khai kaha kaha.
Paper aeta teta.
Bihana dhilo wuthyo.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
नेताको मात्र गणतन्त्र
हाम्रो देश कहाँ गरीब हुनु । हाम्रो देशमा मन्त्रीले दशैको शुभकामना कार्ड सँग पैसा बांड्छन । यो गणतन्त्र यो नेताहरुलाई मात्र हो रैछ ।
पश्चिमका जनताले खानपाको हैन यिनिहरुलाई शुभकामना कार्ड सँग पैसा बाड्नु पर्ने । फेरी अर्को कुन मन्त्रीहुन पत्रकारलाई मार्ने मुख्य नै हुने रे ।
अर्का मत्री फेरी देश टुक्रावुने कुरा गर्दै थिए ।
एकातिर नेताको बिरुद्ध बोल्ने पत्रकारलाई पिटी हाल्छन्, अर्को तिर भने यि नेताहरु मुखमा लागेको बोल्दै हिड्छन ।
पहिले त एउटा मात्र राजा अनि एउटा मात्र युवराजा थिए अहिले चाही १००० राजा १००० युवराजा आए ।
कोही पार्टीमा देशद्रोही मात्र छन्, कोही पार्टीमा भ्रस्टचारी मात्र, कोहीमा गुन्डा मात्र त कोही काम गर्न नसक्ने निकम्मा मात्र ।
Blog post in response to this link. "news from ekantipur.
Blog post in response to this link. "news from ekantipur.
Friday, September 30, 2011
I am from Foreign

Am I the only one or everyone thinks the same. When I think about someone coming from foreign I think about someone who has fair skin, clean shaved and well dressed. This is not only a feeling but also every time when I wait for someone, who has just returned from foreign I aspect he/she to be with fair skin, clean shaved, well dressed, a little bit chubby body, a good way of talking and sunglasses too.
भ्रस्टचारीलाई किरा परोस होईन कानुन अनुशार दन्डित गरियोस्, ।
भ्रस्टचारीलाई किरा परोस । यो हरफ मलाई मन पर्दैन । किन त ?
एक त साह्रैनै तल्लो स्तरको शब्द प्रयोग । अब भन्नुहोस भोलीको पिढीलाई सभ्य भाषा भनेर केलाई भन्ने । अनि अर्को कुरा । के नेपालको कानुन एती लचार भैसक्यो अब सरापेर मात्र बस्ने ।
कुरा ठीक छ राम्रो कामको लागि नै हो तर अरु बाटो किन नदेखे को ? कि मात्र प्रचारबादी मात्र बनेको ?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
MLTR concert in Nepal confirmed
Recent updates on MTLRs official website proves that Micheal learns to rock Nepal concert is confirmed. The concert will happen at Tudhikhel in 19th November of 2011. ODC Network is the organizer of the program.
To believe this news please visit this link.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Surprises from Amazon: New Kindles Powerful and cheap
New blood in Kindle Family |
Kindle 6" $79 0% lighter, less than 6 ounces18% smaller body, same 6" screen size - Fits in your pocketMost advanced E Ink display, reads like paper |
Kindle Touch 6" $99 Most-advanced E Ink display, now with multi-touchNew sleek design - 8% lighter, 11% smaller, holds 3,000 booksText-to-speech, plus audio books and mp3s |
Kindle Fire 7" and only $199 With kindle you get : 18 million movies, TV shows, songs, magazines, and booksAmazon Appstore - thousands of popular apps and gamesUltra-fast web browsing - Amazon SilkFree cloud storage for all your Amazon contentVibrant color touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angleFast, powerful dual-core processorAmazon Prime members enjoy unlimited, instant streaming of over 10,000 popular movies and TV shows |
The most amazing part of all these devices are the prices. I have never ever seen anything cheaper like. I am using this statement because these devices are cheaper than any Chinese devices.
The first one is ready to ship while the Kindle touch and Kindle Fire will be available only after November 21 and November 15 respectively.
Amazon fire is not just a eBook reader, it's a tablet powered with dual core processor. The screen is gorilla glass display.
The surprise in not ending here.
Now this original WiFi only 6" Kindle is available in only $99.
Lucky Americans
Lucky Americans
Monday, September 26, 2011
Prachanda, BabuRam, MadhavKumar & RishiDhamala
Dhannai Foto Naako |
Prachanda Bhand Ta Hansum Nai CHu Hai |
Musu Musu Hasi Deu Na lai lai |
Jhalanatha le ta foto nai khichnai payenan. Hare pani Bhagyamani nai raichan |
Rishi Dhamala yaha pani |
Sadhai Camera Aagadi aune manche ko dath aesto |
Dhincka Chika |
Khali Prachanda Matra nachne ho ra yi ma pani nachdinchu eklai bhaya pani |
Khai K Khai K, Kura Bujdainan Khali Pitne Kutne Kura Matra Garchan |
Thanks for viewing this useless upload.
Traffic Ko Behal : Accident
के भन्ने अब यो भिडियो को बारेमा । त्यो मोटरबाईकलाई जहाज सम्झेर कुदवुने पनि मुर्ख नै हो । ट्राफिक हु भन्दैमा बाटोलाई खाट सम्झेर जथाभाबी हिंड्ने पनि मुर्ख नै हो । अब त्यो भाग्नेत पक्कै समतीनछ होला अझ मज्जाले कुटाइ पनि खान्छहोलातर यि ट्राफिकहरुको चाही कहिले हो आचरण सुधृने ।
जो होचो उशको मुखमा घोचो | ट्राफिकले अफ्नो गल्ती महसुस कहिले गर्ने ।
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Richa Sanga Darr Lagyo
Manoj Pandit a film maker himself was arrested for writing bad review of super duper flop movie Breakfail .
के भा को हो यो देश मा नेता को बारेमा लेखे गुन्डा पठाइ दिन्छन । चलचित्र समीक्षाबारे लेखे जेल पठाइ दिन्छन |
कस्तो खाल को गणतन्त्र आयो यो देश म लेख्न बोल्न नै नहुने ।
झन चलचित्र निर्माण गर्ने मान्छेनै बोली र कलमको लडाईं लड्न नसक्ने ।
रिचा घिमिरे चलचित्र छाडभो तिमी । हाम्रो नेपाली चलचित्रलाई राम्रो मान्छे चहिएको छ जस्ले अफ्नो हरेक बोली अफ्नै चलचित्रमा हाल्छ । तिमी जस्ता पैसाको मात्र पछी लाग्ने निर्मता होईन कला चिन्ने र शब्द र वाक्य बिश्वश गर्ने कलाकार र निर्मता चहिएको छ ।
जेल हाल्न को लागि मुद्धा दिने मान्छे चाही ब्रेक फेल चलचित्रकि निर्मता रिचा घिमिरे है भन्नै बिर्सेछु |
अब हामी पनि कोही फिल्महेरे पछी मुद्दा दिमन फिल्म कबाड रैछ टिकेटको पैसा फिर्ता चहियो भनेर |
जेल हाल्न को लागि मुद्धा दिने मान्छे चाही ब्रेक फेल चलचित्रकि निर्मता रिचा घिमिरे है भन्नै बिर्सेछु |
अब हामी पनि कोही फिल्महेरे पछी मुद्दा दिमन फिल्म कबाड रैछ टिकेटको पैसा फिर्ता चहियो भनेर |
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Acharya : Nepali Movie

Acharya. The movie is just well written and well directed. Satya Raj Acharya is a true fit inside the role of his father.
नेपाली चलचित्रमा पहिलो पटक न केहि बडी छ न केहि कुराको कमी छ । सबै कुरा मिलेकोनै छ । केहि कुरा पनि सत प्रतिसत नहुने यो संसार मा यो चलचित्र पनि एक्दम राम्रो त भन्न मिल्दैन । तर पनि धेरै अनुहार पर्दा मा नयां भय को कारण ले सजिलै मफी गर्न सकिन्छ । सबै कुरा लेख्ने हो भने पढ्ने लाई अप्ठ्यारो लाग्ने होला ।
अब कुरा छोटो बनावुने तिर लगौं ।
गायक सत्य राज आचार्यले नायकको भूमिकालाई चहिने न्याए गरेको देखिन्छ । सबै कुरा हेरेर थाहा हुन्छ कि न यो चलचित्र मात्र रहर पुरा गर्न बनायिएको या मात्र पैसा फलावुना |
सत्यस्वोरुप दाजुभाईको कुरात वाहाहरुलाईनै थाहा छ होला तर मेरो बिचारमा यो चलचित्र एउटा कलाकार, एउटा नेपाली , एउटा बाबु र एउटा पतीको सङ्घर्शको मुल्य सबै लाई बुजावुन बनएको जस्तै लाग्यो ।
मन मनै भय पनि धेरै धेरै सम्मान साङ्गितिक देन र जीवनमा गरेका सङ्घर्शहरु का लागि ।
Sorry for typos : I am bad @ Nepali typing
Friday, September 23, 2011
According to the blog of photoshelter.com Nepal is in no seven as most dangerous location for photojournalist.
According to the BLOG
and the Valerio Berdini
"I have been following the Maoist revolution in Nepal for years, but I waited for its end to go and photograph the transition period after 'peace' was achieved. I flew to Nepal when the Maoists, after years of guerrilla, democratically won the election and their leader, Prachanda, became Prime Minster. The secular monarchy was abolished. I visited remote villages, and travelled on top of buses and old cars in search of testimony and signs of the fights, but there were few. Either I was very lucky or the report is too harsh regarding Nepal. All I found was people happy and curious to interact, children willing to play, farmers harvesting rice. Once I forgot my camera bags on a river banks where women were washing clothes, and I took my bike and rode away. I came back in a panic half an hour later to find everything was still there, untouched. Maybe the years before the reality were much worse, but in 2008 I found no obvious danger for a photojournalist."
Oops ! not that dangerous re k....yo bideshi haru pani k k lekhchan
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
iPhone 5 Event To Be Held On October 4: Copy paste news
According to sources close to the situation, where the tech giant will unveil the next iteration of its popular iPhone.
While Apple could certainly change its plans anytime, sources said that the Oct. 4 date has been selected by the company to showcase the iPhone 5. Sources added that the plan is now to make the new device available for purchase within a few weeks after the announcement.
This is WTF news : herum naya iPhone le k garcha. Google ra android phone maker haru haschan ki pasina puchna chan.
Fyi : thi news is copy paste from here
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Nepali actresses VS Bollywood Actresses
Nepali actresses
Bollywood actresses
Up in the picture what I want to show is the difference between our actresses and Indian actresses. I am not a big fan of Indian actresses but what I loved about them is they are now successful in making their own identity by following their own style i.e Sari. They have preserved their own tradition and identity with great style. They look sexy, they look gorgeous and they look beautiful and they are without western dresses.
Why are we always busy on copying useless things.
Please note: I am not anti west. I just want to see our actresses preserving our dresses like Bollywood actresses and representing their own style.
Fake entrepreneurs
Monday, September 19, 2011
The big one yet to come : Kathmandu Still not safe
हिजोको भुकम्पको केन्द्र बिन्दु काठमाडौं बाटा २७२ कि मि टाढा थियो तर बैज्ञानीकहरु ले आउछ आउछ भनेको ठुलो भुकम्प आझै आएको छैन ।
Yesterday we were lucky that we all survived but the thing is big earthquake is yet to come. No one knows when, where and how. What we can do is only getting prepared ? Earthquake and volcanoes are not like landslide, wind or flood. Nobody can predict about these things. Even octopus Paul can't predict. What my heart says is we still have some time to get prepared. We can buy some emergency food. Store stock food for whole community rebuild our houses to face minor shocks. It's not possible to make our houses 100% earthquake proof but at least we can make our house to stand for some more seconds so we could get more time to take decisions.
What do you think people ?
What should we do?
Wait for government to do something.
What do you think people ?
What should we do?
Wait for government to do something.
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