Friday, September 23, 2011


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According to the blog of Nepal is in no seven as most dangerous location for photojournalist.

According to the BLOG

and the  Valerio Berdini 
"I have been following the Maoist revolution in Nepal for years, but I waited for its end to go and photograph the transition period after 'peace' was achieved. I flew to Nepal when the Maoists, after years of guerrilla, democratically won the election and their leader, Prachanda, became Prime Minster. The secular monarchy was abolished. I visited remote villages, and travelled on top of buses and old cars in search of testimony and signs of the fights, but there were few. Either I was very lucky or the report is too harsh regarding Nepal. All I found was people happy and curious to interact, children willing to play, farmers harvesting rice. Once I forgot my camera bags on a river banks where women were washing clothes, and I took my bike and rode away. I came back in a panic half an hour later to find everything was still there, untouched. Maybe the years before the reality were much worse, but in 2008 I found no obvious danger for a photojournalist."

Oops ! not that dangerous re k....yo bideshi haru pani k k lekhchan

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