Thursday, September 8, 2011

Everything sucks : Internet

Everyone know how slow we Nepalese are in taking decisions. Not only slow we are lazy too. One top result of our laziness is current load shedding. Not just load shedding we are facing several problems and that's just because of our laziness but today I am here to talk just about one single problem i.e. slow internet. The problem is like it's expensive like and hell also slow like father of hell.
I am paying Rs: 899 exclusive of TAX for 256 kilo bits internet but it responds like 64 kilo bits.
Till now I have tried 3 ISPs first one is Wordlink because I thought like they have the best service because I used to see their advertisements everywhere but after using them it was just opposite. They don't have good customer service but some of their technicians are good. Then I tried Broadlink just because they are wireless and cheaper. At first they promised to provide good service but the same thing happened again. They are too slow. And the another one is Eastlink WiFi. It was the worst one but they have refunded me the money. 

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