Sunday, September 18, 2011

Earthquake Tips

We have just survived the horrible earthquake. Now we have felt the fear and how strong the earthquake can be. It seems like non of the media is going to teach us how to get prepared, even our prime minister is also in foreign tour. Experts from foreign tell us that Kathmandu is one of the most dangerous place during earthquake. It is said that we will not be able to get food aid during earthquake as the TIA runway will crack and no planes will be able to land. Government is also not prepared at all, I haven't heard about any food stocks for those situations. Last night I saw that the famous City Center was totally closed due to earthquake. Aren't mall safer than house. Government should now start inspecting schools, colleges and malls because if they collapse they are going to kill much people. I am not an expert but below there are some tips that I found on internet after one night research.
Before earthquake
  • Carry a battery operated radio with you
  • Carry an ID card with you. If it mentions blood group that would be great.
  • Make your mind ready for an earthquake because it can come any time
  • Remember it's useless to use cellphones during earthquake
  • Carry some extra food with you or keep it close to you.
  • Teach everyone about earthquake but don't create rumors
  • Stay away from flammable objects
  • Don't hang heavy and glasses on walls.
  • Carry a durable flashlight with you.
  • Always keep first aid kit near you.
At the time of earthquake
  • Try to make your mind calm as you have very little time to take decisions
  • It's hard to take decisions during such horrible times but experts say hiding under strong furniture or other structures like doors are more safer than running outside the building. (But keep in mind earthquake doesn't kill you, your weak house kill you.
  • If you have a school or an office try to train your staffs. Keep safety helmets in your office.
  • My personal experience says earthquake alarm are very beneficial for everyone as it will help you in decision making. You can easily confirm that it's an earthquake.
  • If you are cooking turn of the gas and unplug the regulator.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • If you our outdoor you are luck but stay away from falling things like trees and light poles.
  • Don't use cell phones just to say hello are you ok. These silly things will make network busy and people in emergency will not be able to use it.
  • Stay alert after the first shock also there are many chances of coming aftershocks.
  • Follow the instructions given by government officials only. Never follow rumors. 
After earthquake
  • If you are safe than start rescuing the victims.
  • Help others as much as you can.
  • Don't use water carelessly.
  • If you are trapped under something like collapsed building. Don't shout unless you hear someone nearby, you may get affected by dust.
  • Cover you mouth and nose by handkerchief or cloth to avoid dust.
  • Listen to the radio and follow the instructions.
  • If you are leaving your place for any reason leave a message by any mean.

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